Issue payment instruments including cards, virtual cards, e-money and mobile wallets


Cards, both physical and virtual combined are still the main instruments being used to make non-cash payments. In addition to the traditional use of card as a payment instrument, financial institutions issuing cards are using cards for microfinance loans, wage disbursement, remittance, multi-currency, fleet and loyalty. With the introduction of mVisa, masterPass, wechat and other QR based payments; financial institutions are looking to issue e-wallets and m-wallets to provide unique payment options locally and internationally.

Vaulsys offers Card and Wallet management system that offers bulk cards and wallet issuance to the back office staff as well as instant card and wallet issuance to the front office staff of any bank or financial institutions. Vaulsys also offers virtual cards/Wallets for digital banks and online issuers. Vaulsys is multi-currency, multi-product, multi-institution and multi-language with a powerful relational database providing a consolidated view of the customers and their activities.

  • Card Management

  • Customer Management

  • Scheme Clearing & Settlement

  • Chargeback

  • Reporting

  • HSM Integration & management