Adopt a mobile first approach

Mobile Financial Solutions

Mobile is becoming one of the popular channels for banking and payments with an expected volume of $503 billion in year 2020. A growing portion of the world’s population is making mobile bases transactions. Small and large financial institutions are realizing the importance of adapting a mobile payments solution. While some businesses view mobile as their mainstream payment channel, others find it necessary to be a part of their digital strategy.

Vaulsys offers comprehensive mobile solutions to service a wide range of financial institutions including banks, MNOs, Fintechs, PSPs, MTO/MSB, retailers and payment aggregators. Our mobile solutions come with a platform independent app and a web-based portal. We offer a wide range of features that can be customized and rolled out quickly as per any business requirement. The solution covers a complete set of transactions from customer onboarding and product definition

through authentication, fees and commissions, risk and dispute management, credentials management and fraud prevention to online accounting, interfaces to payment schemes, clearing & settlement, analytics and reporting. Payments can be offered via via QR (closed-loop, mVisa, MasterPass QR, UnionPay QR…), NFC (OEM Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay), HCE, in-app payments and wallets.

  • Digital Banking

  • Banking

  • Mobile Banking

  • Mobile Wallets

  • Retail Payments

  • Wage Protection System

  • Remittance App

  • Payment Apps